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Imagine being in your car, you're very own spaceship. Noises and other ships

speeding to their infinite destinations.

Crank up the radio to a rhythm you feel attached to, and all the beautiful

instruments and lullabies coordinate your way.

With awareness of safety and speed, you find yourself in a state of flow. If this

does not get you excited, the destination most probably will.

Excitement is everywhere all the time.

My excitement starts when I wake up and ends when I fall asleep. Finding it in

small stuff is why I can be happy throughout my day.

In my case there is nothing not to be excited about. My excited spirit does not

allow past paranoia nor fear for the future, but every time would generate

present pleasantries.

It's the cure for boredom. It's a way to push the spirit of curiosity to find more value

in what follows to the truth.

Being excited is the opposite of stress. If one can perceive the emotion of

excitement, it's the easiest way to get rid of stress, and keeps you positive

throughout any time of day.

I was even excited to write this post.

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