Well, there are moments where I feel completely in love with myself and I manage not to focus on everything I see that is wrong within myself.
There are also moments where it feels like the most difficult thing to do right now is to love myself, like it would take the world’s biggest effort to even see myself as lovable. And when that happens, I extend the patience I need with myself because I know that it wont last long. I know that these moments of ‘unfairity’ towards my being are only fleeting on this journey to loving myself wholly and completely.
So, when I do have those moments of extreme self-love, I celebrate them- because I know what it feels like to not to have it. Coming from a past of not knowing the feeling of self-love, to having it be a very evident thing in my life- it feels insane to actually be in this position right now.
When I do feel self-love at its brightest- I hold onto it- I chase that feeling constantly and I hold it dear, because I know I am worthy of that love towards myself, and so when I do feel self-love I indulge in it- I focus on the things that make me want to be a better self, I focus on where I am going and how far I have come. So yes, I do sit with myself and enjoy doing the little things.
I enjoy being myself- and that is a victory on its own.
When I take a moment to celebrate the self-love that I have found towards and within myself- I usually take a step back and see how far I have come. I look at how I was and how I used to react towards myself vs how I do now- I take a moment to appreciate myself for how far I have come and how different my viewpoint on myself actually is. It is important to look at your victories, but it is also important to honour your journey. Take a look at where you have come from and know that your viewpoint wasn’t wrong, it was what you needed at that time and knowing you could live with that and celebrate it now. No matter how small you think your victories may be- see that your old self probably could have never made these decisions for your higher self and notice that it is probably a much bigger victory than you thought it would be.
My new higher self has been able to accomplish something my old self never thought was possible.