I am the knight in shining armour
I am the one who does the right thing no matter the cost
I am the one who knows the path
I am the one that defends the weak and protects the good
I am the one the world has been waiting for
I am the one that can fix everything for everyone
I always knew this
And then I crash
And I sometimes think why me?
Is there a world in which it doesn’t all come down on me
When friends and family looked at my burden they told me
The world is not your problem,
You do not have to be Jesus to all
But still I knew I was the one, no matter that i want to run sometimes
And then one day somebody did not not say lower your burden,
But instead said I can help you be strong enough
I can help you to be an us not a one
And then we can change things
But this came at a price … you cannot hope to make a difference
You have to decide to take authority to make it happen
You cannot hope and crash
You have to measure and shift.
I could see the difference, and I believed
One by one we did pick up pieces and got
a wonderful support structure of amazing people around me
The path got clearer and more believed
And then I crashed …
Because somewhere I became a martyr and I never saw …
If I am not there
If I always sacrifice myself
If I keep on taking on burdens that are not mine
Purely because the one who’s burden it is does not show up
Or some other excuse
I was not the knight in shining armour
I was someone with a purpose
And I realised that there is only one way I am going to change the world
And that is by doing my part
First having to find who I am
And then granting everyone else the power to fall, to stand
And to realise who they are
I have to be me …
And here is the catch “Me” need to become important to me
It is not anyone else’s job to make me stand
It is my first job ,I need to acknowledge that I matter
And if I matter and can stand on my own
Then I can do my part
I can find my value
And I can gift my value to someone or someones
And then they can find their value and gift it
But none of this can happen if
I am the knight in shining armour, if
I am the one who does the right thing no matter the cost
The cost matters, I matter and I want to start loving me
I want to start embracing me
Meijert I am sorry
I am not the knight in shining armour that sacrifices all for some cause
I am one who believes We can make a difference
if We follow our heart and soul.