Jan 2020
My strong connection with the military motivated me to start working with the group; and I was given breathing exercises as a suggestion to improve my health.
Jan 2021
I weighed 123,6kg for my bungee jump with my daughter Karlien at Stormsrivier bridge. I was invited to join the exercise programme at their offices in Feb 2021.
Dec 2021
With my renewed body of 102kg I have the following values added to my life -
awareness of who I am
controlled eating and drinking patterns
stronger self esteem
discontinued self abuse
flexibility in my joints
spiritual freedom and awareness
sharper wisdom
thoughts of vengeance replaced by justice
moderation in consumption
confidence in my abilities
freedom from traditional thoughts
improved self healing
cuts and bruises
foot pain
knee pain (three times surgery before)
wrist joints
I am now experiencing hope, synergy and harmony\
How did you manage to lose so much weight? What shift made that possible?