Let’s talk about energy and Let’s talk about emotion.
Let’s start with an example, I am extremely afraid of heights, and last week, during one of our physical exercises, I was hoisted up on a pole into the air and it made me burst into tears because of that intensely fear of heights that many people feel, including me.
Well when I was on that pole, the fear feeling that was sent through my body was basically just one massive burst of emotional energy. This was pure insane energy, the only reason I was in fear with this emotion, was because of the information I had put into this energy.
E.g. My fear of heights is a massive amount of energy which is actually called fear.
Now let’s talk about this energy elsewhere, I have recently gone to my first ever concert for my favourite music artist. The atmosphere was ecstatic and the emotions I felt were the highest and greatest in my life.
Now this emotional energy was at the exact same level as the previous mentioned fear energy, but the only reason it was that beautiful emotion, was because of the information I had put into it, this time it wasn’t heights which equals fear, it was my favourite music artist which made me feel immense joy.
Now I need to take a step back and recognise this energy, this energy is pure creation, and I am the ultimate creator in this scenario.
What I need to do now is put myself into that fear emotion and instead of throwing myself into that fear, I need to bring alight creation.
Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be up here, I am going to get hurt.” I need to focus on one powerful creation like, “I am going to use this massive amount of energy to change the world.”
By changing the information put into an emotion which creates a massive amount of energy, we are able to recreate our whole reality and soon, instead of fear, we will only know creation.
I might never be freed from it, but I will use that new feeling to my value instead. So I am daring myself to face my fears, reach greater heights and stay in creation.
I can change my narrative.