If you take authority over yourself and your life, you will have a life without limits.
As long as you blame others for your emotions or your situation, you are giving away your authority. If you have to explain why you make certain decisions it means you do not have belief in yourself and your processes.
How does this relate to ‘relationships’? Everything in your life is a relationship, whether it be food, the earth, work, exercise, sleep, your home or the relationships with the people in your life. And the nature of these relationships, as well as the time spent on these relationships will determine your growth as a person and the authority you have over your life.
You can only attract what you are. So the moment you are in a relationship and you feel something is wrong, you need to check inwardly and see what you need to sort out within yourself.
Why do you still attract what you do not want? Relationships are mirrors in your life. You will know exactly where you are if you measure yourself against your relationships - if you have problems with others, it is something within yourself. You cannot have a problem with someone else, it is a problem within you. You can't ‘fix’ someone else, you can only ‘fix’ yourself. Once you have, the relationship will fix itself.
How do you fix yourself? You need to make uncomfortable decisions for yourself, to focus on yourself and your personal growth. Find your VALUE and what it means to be YOU.
Is leaving a relationship a possible fix? It may be, but it’s not always possible to leave a relationship. You can’t always just cut off - there may be a purpose to that relationship. Eventually you will come to a point where you know you’re finished with it and then you will be able to step away; the purpose of this relationship was for you to grow to the point where you are able to make that decision at the right time.
If you step away from a relationship before its purpose is fulfilled you will repeat that relationship. Cycles and patterns are an indication that you are not getting the appropriate teachings you were intended to get from a relationship, therefore you will repeat it until you have formed that specific growth pattern in your life. When you have grown from the relationship and it has fulfilled its purpose, it will either reach a harmonious equilibrium or disappear from your life.
The more you learn who you are and what your purpose in life is, the more you will attract relationships that are nourishing and lead to growth. Nourishing does not necessarily mean ‘easy’, often it is the discomfort that fuels growth.
Take three years to yourself and learn who you are and where you’re meant to be and it will change the course of your life - you do not have value for others, if you do not know who you are.
Your ultimate goal is to come to that point where there are no limits. Live a life without limits, do not make excuses. If you want to do something, do it and achieve it.